"GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

Veteran and dependents forms
VA Benefit Forms
If you are using the Post-9/11 GI Bill® and need your Financial Aid early in the term, ASU Student Business Services (SBS) can place an anticipated VA payment on your account. To avoid creating balances due, students are encouraged to wait until their actual VA payment is received and posted, as the anticipated VA payment amount is only an estimate. This form will go directly to SBS, but please submit it no earlier than two weeks prior to the beginning of the term. Follow instructions on the form and allow up to 5 business days for processing. Questions on processing can be emailed to Chapter33Billing@asu.edu.
This form contains important information regarding the use of VA benefits throughout your school enrollment. Complete the online form — it will submit directly to the Pat Tillman Veterans Center. You will receive a confirmation email indicating you have submitted the form. If you will be using VA benefits, please allow two days for processing. Look for next steps via your MyASU page once you are enrolled in classes.
This form notifies the Pat Tillman Veterans Center if you do or do not want to use VA education benefits for the upcoming semester. When you elect to use your benefits, your enrollment information will be sent to the VA and ASU Student Business Services will place a tuition deferment on your student account for that semester.
If you are enrolled in a course (or courses) that does not automatically appear on your Degree Audit Report, please complete the Course Approval Form with your advisor. This process will verify that the course(s) apply to your degree program. Follow instructions on the form for processing.
If ASU is your parent school and you are taking courses at another school (supplemental school) that apply to your ASU degree program, and you would like your VA benefits to support courses at both schools, complete this form. This verifies that the courses you’re taking at the supplemental school apply to your degree program at ASU. Complete this form with your advisor. Follow instructions on the form for processing.
Students using VA educational benefits are generally approved for only one program of study at a time. However, exceptions can be made for students pursuing two programs at the same school if they can provide reasonable justification that both programs apply to a single career field. The dual objective may include two majors, two degrees, two certificates, or two programs on different professional/technical levels. Follow instructions on the form for processing.
Use this form if you have been admitted to a graduate program and intend to use VA benefits for any given semester. This form will no longer be needed if an interactive Program of Study (iPOS) is established. Print the form and complete it with your advisor. Follow instructions on the form for processing.
Submit this form following your acceptance to ASU to ensure that all your prior course credit and/or previous experience is evaluated for potential transfer credit. Follow the directions on the form and work with your academic advisor to complete and submit it to the Pat Tillman Veterans Center at ptvcforms@asu.edu.
Students should have this process and form completed by the end of their first semester.
Students using VA educational benefits normally receive payment only for classes within their degree program and allowable electives that count towards graduation requirements. However, students in their graduating semester are allowed to take additional core classes if they don’t have enough required courses to put them at full time. Students are allowed earn their full stipends by “rounding out” their class schedules in their final semester, even though fewer credits would be needed to meet graduation requirements. To have extra classes approved under Round Out, follow the instructions on the form for processing.
This application is for nonresident students who have been accepted into an ASU campus-based program of study. Yellow Ribbon is only applicable to students eligible to receive the Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33) at the 100% eligibility level. ASU Yellow Ribbon slots are limited for campus-based program of studies. Yellow Ribbon for ASU Online students is managed separately, and does not require this application. See important processing information on the application.
Forms for Active Duty/Guard/Reserves
When you have received military orders to deploy or actively serve in a way that will impact your semester in progress, use this form to request withdrawal from any classes specified due to military activation. Print, complete and send the form along with a copy of your military orders to militaryactivation@asu.edu.
When you have received your approved and funded active duty TA voucher, submit it to Sponsor Billing via the link below.
TA Voucher Upload